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Diversity and Equity

Meiburg Wine Media and its representatives and business units, including Debra Meiburg MW, SPIT Association and MWM Wine School recognise the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion both externally and internally. We welcome in our events all drinks industry professionals and enthusiasts, and strive for opportunities to work with a wide range of people.

The Diversity and Equity Policy aims to guide our team to work with and serve everyone, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.

  • Our school’s main site and satellite sites are wheelchair accessible.
  • We require our staff to allow candidates with special educational needs, disabilities and temporary injuries access to our events
  • We ensure that our curricula materials, and examinations are free from any risk of bias or prejudice against any person.
  • We offer options for remote learning, making our events accessible to students with temporary injuries or disabilities
  • We welcome students who do not consume alcohol and/or have special dietary restrictions for personal reasons (e.g. religious belief or health requirements) are not disadvantaged and are able to take our Level 1 and 2 qualifications.
  • We recognise the role that MWM must play in helping to make our industry a more accessible, inclusive and diverse place in which to work, in particular for individuals from ethnically diverse backgrounds and other underrepresented communities.